Tips To Obtain A Work-Life Balance From A Virtual Answering Service

Determine the biggest “time-wasters” in your own operations to see where you can make adjustments.  A 2015 survey from The Alternative Board surveyed 323 business owners regarding time management. Researchers specifically sought to identify time-suckers that diminish productivity.1Around 33 percent of business owners reported they waste their time on unscheduled communications, with 22 percent stating […]

Scotags Receptionists Holdings, LLC Appoints New CEO Jeff Mosler

“As I considered the next chapter of my career, I wanted to join a company that offered a valuable product for its customers, could leverage my skills and experience for the next chapter of expansion, and had passionate people committed to customer experience,” says Jeff. “Nexa had the trifecta, but it was the enthusiastic employee […]

How Technology And Virtual Receptionists Minimize

Remote “over-the-shoulder” support is one-way providers are expanding healthcare accessibility and ensuring more patients can be seen, despite onsite staffing shortages. One example of successful virtual collaboration is radiology operations and command centers. Imaging experts connect with technologists at scan locations, increasing access to MRIs and CTs. Another example of virtual collaboration is tele-ICU programs. […]